Saturday, February 11, 2012

♥ Sexy vintage tutorial ♥

Hello darlings , I'm here to blog again and today I'm going to do a sexy vintage look that can be wear for dinner or any other big occasion day. Today post is gonna be shorter than the previous one because i accidentally skip the eyeliner part and theres only two colours for the eyes . Sexy vintage is suppose to be focus on the lips , So choose some bright lipstick ! And yes , i've already put on my foundation and also drawn my eyebrow because i went out earlier and when i reach home i decided to do tutorial for vintage look .

Here's the before .

Step 1 : start of with a light brown shimmering eyeshadow , here I'm using elainto's shadows

Step 2  : Grab a darker brown eyeshadow and put it in the corner of your eyes . After you are done , blend the colours ! ( I'm not sure if you guys can see the difference from the pictures ) because I'm using flash anyway .

Step 3 / 4 : take your favorite eyeliner and start to line your eyes ! For the eyeliner , line the upper eye more thicker than usual and wing it at the end , don't forget to line your under eyes too ! and then move on to mascara . ( i know what are you guys are thinking Hahaha , Im sorry to say that i actually forget to capture the eyeliner part , So sorry )

Step 4  : Take the brightest colour on your make up box and start coloring your lips !  People probably use red for the sexy vintage look  , but i personally think bright pink are more suitable and it looks more dramatic .

And we are done !!! this is the after look =)
Look 1

Look 2

Look 3

Look 4

And that's all for day . Stay tuned