Hello girls , welcome back ! Today's tutorial is gonna be three combination colors that i mention on my title . Seriously , the flash brighten the colors a lot so I'm always afraid you girls can't see it properly . I will try to edit the pictures for my next tutorial , so LET'S START !
Step 1 : Take a gold eyeshadow and put it on your eyelids .
Step 2 : Now take a dark brown eyeshadow and put it in the outer corner of your eyes .
Step 3 : Use a copper color eyeshadow and put it between the gold and the dark brown . After that , Blend the colors ! ( don't think you guys can see the different LOL )
Step 4 : Use the same dark brown to line your lower lash line , and take a white shimmering eyeshadow and put it in the inner corner of your eyes .
Step 5 : Line your eyes and put on your favorite mascara !
Step 6 : Fill up your lips ! I'm using baby pink for my lips .
Tadaaa ! And we are done !!
Look 1
Look 2
Look 3
Look 4
Okay enough , too much acting LOL . Goodnight and stay tuned <3