Bonjour ! What's up guys ? It's just a chilling day for me today , nothing special . So i was at home the whole day and i decided to do this tutorial as i promise from the previous post :) I'm not wearing contact lens this time , you know it's 'natural look' anyway . Let's start !
Step 1 : Make sure your face is clean and moisturize . If you have dark circles or redness going on your face, Conceal it ! and move on to foundation .
Step 2 : Put on your blusher ! Remember to smile while you putting on your blusher , because you can't really tell where's our apple cheek when we don't smile .
Step 3 : Refined your brows ! To make it look natural , use brighter colour on the front and darker colour at the back . So when you are buying eyebrow pencil , make sure you buy one that is lighter and one that is darker .
Step 4 / 5 : Yes , i accidentally deleted the eyeliner part again . Please forgive me Hahahahah . So for the
eyeliner , try to draw as thin as possible because we want to look natural of course . And put on your favorite mascara !
Lastly , put on your lip balm and we are done ! You should look fresh and clean :)
Look 1
Look 2
Look 3
Punch those boys that says your make up sucks , Practice makes perfect ! Hahahahaha boys are the creature that makes us lack of confidence . SCREW THEM . Stay tuned for the next tutorial . Goodnight <3